Monday, February 6, 2017

A New Obession

Did you watch the Superbowl?  In my house, football is a pretty big deal and because we are from New England, the Patriots are a very big deal.  And last nights game was unreal.  So exciting, a real nail biter and how about Lady Gaga?  The woman is queen, what a voice.  I hope you all had a great weekend, we sure did.

While browsing Pinterest the other day, I came across some Polymer clay fairy houses and thought they were the cutest things I'd seen in a long time, so I decided to try making one.  I bought some clay and a toaster oven to bake the clay in and here are my results.

Aren't they cute!  I love them and had so much fun making them.  This mushroom house is about four inches tall and took the longest because it was the first one I've ever done and it took some trial and error to figure out how big or small to make the flowers, leaves, etc.  I love the bright colors and the texture of the orange and white clay I mixed to create the roof.  For the window, I initially painted on a window, but then decided I didn't like it so I created a window with felt and hot glued it on over my mistake.  I like the texture the felt adds.
This house is my second attempt.  I love the blue and brown together along with all the bright colors.  This house is about three inches tall.
 And lastly, a little Christmas Gnome.  I made quite a few Gnomes out of fabric over the holidays and wish I'd thought of making some with clay.  My tree would have been filled with these little guys. I painted this one because I got distracted with my dog (he ran off chasing a bird) and I left this little Gnome in the toaster oven for too long and his hat burned at the very tip, so I covered it with red paint and then decided he needed to sparkle, so I coated him with glitter paint, then when he was completely dry, I sprayed him with some sealer.  I didn't spray the houses with sealer, I like the matte look of the clay.

I have also been experimenting with animals.  These are for my niece and nephews.  My nephew Dominic has a pet snake, so of course I had to make him a snake.  I like the sea turtle best, I think he came out the cutest.

So I now have a new obsession and have found myself scouring the internet for clay ideas and clay tools.  Like I need another hobby??  Yes, as a matter of fact I do!  ;)

Take care,  oxox

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